Tag Archives: pug

CSA Basket #19: October 10, 2012


CSA Box #19, 2012

CSA Box #19, 2012

In the box:

  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Cilantro
  • Lettuce, Romaine
  • Onions, yellow
  • Pepper mix, sweet
  • Red potatoes, red
  • Salad mix
  • Squash, Delicata
  • Tomatoes (a lot!)

What was in the prior boxes?

I just took a much-needed break from blogging daily for over two years (minus a couple of days). Saturday night I came home exhausted after going out with the SharePoint Saturday folks, and just didn’t do my daily blog post. I had been thinking about cutting back to a few times a week anyway, and it gave me a good excuse, especially since this week was jam-packed full of schoolwork, a live radio show, etc. And things aren’t going to slow down anytime soon.

Saturday was especially stressful, as my 14.5 year old pug Bubba had to have emergency surgery to remove his right eye, which had become dramatically swollen over a couple of days from a nasty infection. He also had a dental infection and had to have a bunch of teeth out. We had to make some quick decisions on Saturday, but as it seemed like he had a good chance of a full recovery (other than losing the eye), we went ahead with it. He was mostly blind anyway, as well as deaf (or near to it). But he must have  been able to see some light/shadow with the eye, because he’s even more lost than before and really has to find his way around by trial and error. Thankfully, he still has a pretty good sense of smell, so he’s using that to his advantage in locating food—he’s has a great appetite so far! Later this week, I’ll post a pic of our one-eyed pirate pug.



First of all: teenage boys and athletes foot. Ew!

Today was a hodgepodge. Also the 3rd time I’ve used that word in this blog—the last time less than a month ago. Do these words make me look old?!

hodgepodge (n.) Look up hodgepodge at Dictionary.comalso hodge podge, hodge-podge, early 15c., hogpoch, alteration of hotchpotch (late 14c.) “a kind of stew,” especially “one made with goose, herbs, spices, wine, and other ingredients,” earlier an Anglo-French legal term (late 13c.) meaning “collection of property in a common ‘pot’ before dividing it equally,” from O.Fr. hochepot “stew, soup,” first element from hocher “to shake,” from a Germanic source (cf. M.H.G. hotzen “shake”).


  • Drove the twins to school
  • Had a great Google Hangout with one of my Humane Ed professors
  • Worked on the agenda handouts for SharePoint Saturday
  • Missed a middle school volleyball game to keep an eye on our 14-year-old pug Bubba, who is not feeling so hot and is possibly not long for this world. {I’ve been carrying him up and down the stairs and to and from the backyard for a few days now, because he can’t see anymore, he’s very confused, and he’s too weak to get around.}
  • Hung out with my older step-daughter after school
  • Watched a video and read {a little} for school
  • Did not get outside
  • Did not do yoga (last yoga = Sunday)

Tomorrow kicks off a very long weekend of SharePoint Saturday events. Judging from last year, it will be both fun and exhausting.

At least I got to sleep in


I finally got to sleep in today. (Other than waking up a bunch of times to a yowling calico cat.)

Even though it was a record-breaking warm day for April 22, I managed to spend no time outdoors, and to get little productive done other than give Bubba some long overdue maintenance: nails, ears, and a bath, and then work on the next All Things Vegan show. Oh well.