Tag Archives: wildlife

Cranking ’em out


We’re starting to crank out the shows!


  • We talk with author and artist Ruby Roth about the controversy surrounding the publication of her children’s book, “Vegan is Love.”
  • We talk with Heidi Rettig, founder of The Antidote for Ego anti-bad mood sprays.
  • We blab on about vegan news, especially about “Wildlife Services.”

Stay tuned for show notes and the archive: Maybe tomorrow, more likely Wednesday.

Trapping sucks


Here’s a short description of the new All Things Vegan episode:

Can Oregon go trap free? Artist & wildlife lover Irene Hardwicke Olivieri & trap victim Jennifer Kirkpatrick think so.

In today’s show, we talk with Irene Hardwicke Olivieri of TrapFree Oregon. Irene tells us about an experience involving a coyote that prompted her to get passionately involved in efforts to ban trapping in Oregon.

And later in the show, you’ll hear Central Oregon resident Jennifer Kirkpatrick talk about the nine months of excruciating pain she endured after getting her arm caught in a wildlife trap, and how this ordeal prompted her to become an advocate for banning the use of traps in Oregon.

And, as always, we highlight and analyze News from the Vegan Frontier, let you know about vegan related happenings in and around Central Oregon, and more!

Please give it a listen and let me know what you think. Info at allthingsveganradio.org. Or comment at our Facebook page.

Also, what do you think? Coyote: kahy-oh-tee OR kahy-oht? If you listen to the show, you’ll know which one I say.

A great resource on elephants: Elephant Voices


I just came across this great elephant resource: Elephant Voices, run by elephant researcher Joyce Pool. It covers all conceivable elephant-related issues in our modern world—from poaching and culling in the wild, to the treatment of elephants in captivity around the world (zoos, circuses, etc). I can see myself spending many hours reading through the wealth of information here.

A voice for elephants

“As we enter the 21st Century, a multitude of human practices threaten the survival and well being of wild elephants. The killing of elephants for their tusks is out of control once again, accounting for as many as 38,000 elephant mortalities each year (Scientific American, July 2009 (2.59 MB). To this figure add the thousands of calves who die as a result of their mother’s deaths. The wanton destruction of habitat and the killing of elephants due to conflict over diminishing resources adds many thousands more deaths to the overall figure. And then comes the individual elephants who are killed for sport, those that are killed in the name of management, and the capture of wild calves for human entertainment.

The conservation and ethical treatment of wild elephants is of paramount importance, yet the individual distress and misery suffered by many captive elephants is also appalling and, given that many live in the zoos and circuses of wealthy countries, is totally unacceptable.

With four decades of groundbreaking research on wild elephants, we are in a position to speak with confidence on the interests of elephants, wherever they may be. These scientific discoveries indicate that we need to improve the way we care for elephants, and demand that we err on the side of caution when the interests of elephants are being considered.”

See some of my other posts about elephants:

That’s right, I walked the butte in my turquoise clogs today

Dirty turquoise clogs from walking Pilot Butte

So, I accidentally walked the butte in my turquoise clogs today. It was another beautiful fall day that I spent stuck inside in front of the laptop for work. So I decided around 6p to do my Pilot Butte hike. I invited everyone, but only my step-son was up for it. We were half-way there before I realized that I’d forgotten to change into my tennis or hiking shoes. {It was also one of those days where I forgot my phone, and I spent a stupid amount of time locating a bill I needed to pay and the checkbook to pay the bill with.)

I have a thing for turquoise-ish or sky blue shoes, it seems. Which is weird, because I don’t really like most blues all that much. I once had a pair of turquoise suede hiking boots (pre-vegan days) and at least one other pair of turquoise casual shoes that I wore to death. The turquoise shoes always get good comments, for some reason. {In high school, by the way, I also had a pair of those neon orange converse super high-tops with neon yellow insides.}

Fortunately, my linen Sanita clogs that I got at a Seattle area discount store are well-worn and fairly comfy—they may never be the same after the dusty trail today—but frankly, they weren’t that clean to begin with. And they actually have great tread. They slowed me down a little and my legs will be sore in weird places, but it was another beautiful evening up there.

On the way down, a couple pointed an owl out to me that was perched near the top of a juniper. It was too dim by then to tell what type of owl (and I don’t know my owls that well), but she was quite large—looked like a fat cat from the back. I watched the owl for a few minutes,  until she decided to flap away. I probably made her nervous. (Or him).

Finally getting in to Among Others. Sometimes I have to start a book and then come back to it weeks later, which is what I did with this one. Until one day I pick it up and it just clicks. I hope to read a big chunk of it this weekend.

The show, Fire envy, midnight bread, warehousing animals


Worked on the show until late—at least we got our News mostly done and edited. May be a long weekend getting this show completed. Oh well, totally worth it. The only other commitments I have this weekend are seeing Jane Goodall on Saturday (a friend was nice enough to give me an unused ticket), and my brother’s 50th birthday party on Sunday.

Every day this week, still drooling over the Kindle Fire.

So happy to hear that the Oregon Wolves have a temporary reprieve.

Just put in some midnight bread, as we’ve been mostly out for a few days. I mixed up the dough before I left, so it was left to rise far past the 2 hours, but technically it was supposed to sit another 40 minutes after I shaped it, so we’ll see if it turns out.

I’ve been reading Saving Gracie this week. Depressing, the variety of ways that our society warehouses and mistreats animals—whether in puppy mills, greyhound breeding, or factory farming. Here’s the lesson—it’s cruel to warehouse animals as if they are things. No living creature should have to live its entire life in a cage barely bigger than itself, never to be let out or shown any care or affection. This must stop, in all of its forms. I was surprised to learn that the Amish and Mennonite have participated in puppy mills in Pennsylvania and probably elsewhere—and they are among the worst offenders. WTF? This doesn’t make any sense to me—I would think they’d be the ones that would be more in touch with the earth and the animals.